Welcome to Getting Rushified!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brad and I'm a geek. I co-host a podcast called Comma Error Radio and I play drums for Meghan Morrison (links on the left).
I recently watched the documentary "Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage" and was completely blown away by the musicianship, ambition, vision and overall awesomeness that this group brings to the table.
It should be known that I wouldn't describe myself as a Rush fan.
I'm aware of Rush and I've heard a few singles here and there, and anytime I hear Tom Sawyer, I air drum along(who doesn't?), but that's pretty well true of most music for me...but I never 'got into' Rush and I figure it's high time that I did.
They've been referenced and featured in a wide variety of movies(I Love you, Man), Tv Shows (In the second season of Chuck the song Tom Sawyer is key to the plot of one episode) and are apparently also #3 behind the Beatles and Rolling Stones (respectively) in order of most gold or platinum album sales. Not to mention it's been 36 years since their first album was released. So what's the big deal with this Rush band anyway??
To quote the documentary:
"Maybe you didn't like Rush in 70's, or the 80's...but at this point you just gotta give it up for Rush. You just GOTTA! Otherwise you're just being an old dickhead!" - Matt Stone
Now, from my limited knowledge of the band, I've accepted but haven't actually had it proven to me first-hand, the following theories:
1. Neil Peart is the greatest drummer of all time....like ever...ALL TIME ALL TIME!
2. Rush's music is the most Epic thing you'll ever hear.
And finally 3. Rush is going to rock the ACC!! (I was told this in 1999 by a drunk man claiming to be Rush's accountant.)
The concept behind this creative project is simple:
What would happen when an avid music fan/geek like myself with limited knowledge of the band decided to purchase, spend a week listening to and finally review each of this bands 20 studio albums in chronological order, all the way from their 1974 self-titled debut to 2007's Snakes and Arrows? (Not including live albums or compilations)
Your guess is as good as mine! But the idea is to take this journey and literally "Get Rushified!"
So join me, as I will be posting reviews weekly, starting with the Power Trio's self titled 1974 debut album. The aim is to post one review a week, but as I am a busy guy, it may be a while before I figure out a consistent weekday.
Here goes nothing...
Wow, it only took me two months to comment on this. Just remember - Esquire never lies... *clink, clink*